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Tradeable Instruments
Tradeable Instruments

Tradeable instrument, asset classes, products, consistency rule, restrictions, trading restrictions

MVFunded Ltd avatar
Written by MVFunded Ltd
Updated over 5 months ago

As we are Powered by MarketsVox we provide our traders with a wide range of instruments/assets.

1. Tradable Instruments: We offer a diverse selection of instruments for trading, including but not limited to, FX Crosses, Commodities such as Gold, Silver, Oil, Indices representing various global markets, and cryptocurrencies. Traders have the opportunity to explore and trade these instruments based on their preferences, market opportunities, and trading strategies.

2. No Restrictions: Unlike some trading platforms or prop firms that limit the selection of tradable assets, MVFunded does not impose any restrictions on the instruments available. Traders are free to choose and trade any of the instruments offered on their platform, based on their analysis, market conditions, or personal trading preferences.


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